
MWO Microfunding

Mwanga Wa Oshun Program focuses on the economic empowerment of Lubumbashi women and children.  One way to find a self sustaining micro finance initiative is to issue collateral-free, interest- bearing loans to deserving and recommended graduates of the sewing  program.

MWO will screen, train and issue loans of $50 – $250 to impoverished women to start businesses. MWO will organize borrower meetings, conduct site visits, provide ongoing business education and introduce women to dealing with the local bank. The key to the loan program’s success is that the women become empowered. Women learn to keep business records, own their entrepreneurial skills, and increase their self-confidence. All interest earned from the loans will recycle back into MWO.

The focus of the micro loan is to assist women in starting their own sewing/clothing businesses, building assets and gaining business skills so that they can generate income on a long-term basis, permanently improving their household living standards, and achieving financial independence for themselves and their families. 

Borrowers start small businesses and use their profits to pay school fees for their children, food and healthcare. Communities benefit as borrowers hire helpers and advocate for local improvements to their community.