A few words about

Program Insight



Mwanga Wa Oshun Program focuses on the economic empowerment of Lubumbashi women and children.  The goal of Mwanga Wa Oshun Sewing School is to empower women with income-generating activities as alternative to high risks activities and prostitution.  The sewing school trains young women from low-income backgrounds to learn the fundamentals of sewing and to sew handmade gifts and fashion accessories made from a traditional fabric (Kikwembe).



In Kanyaka, Hunger and malnutrition remain a serious problem for many people.  Many of these people are poorest of the poor and do not have marketable skills. They suffer from deficiencies of protein and vitamins especially children and women due to (no eggs, meat, milk, etc). Three fourth of community households are limited to only one meal a day.  It has been particularly hard on the poor living under the poverty line.

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Public Health

The population of Lubumbashi is 1.4 million.  Mwanga Wa Oshun Program (MWO) is focused on promoting the health of vulnerable groups — women, girls, newborns, and children under 5.  Most deaths in Lubumbashi are strongly related to malaria, malnutrition and diarrhea.   These diseases could be prevented under stable conditions.  Mwanga Wa Oshun (MWO) is working to reduce the prevalence of diseases such as malaria, TB, HIV/AIDS and now Covid-19. 

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Mwanga Wa Oshun Program focuses on the economic empowerment of Lubumbashi women and children.  One way to funds a self-sustaining micro finance initiative issuing collateral-free, interest-bearing loans to deserving and recommended graduates of the sewing program.